In my 20's
I got married to a sweet boy named Sam.
I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education.
I bought my first house.
I got my first teaching job at Adams Elementary
and taught over 150 kids.
I lived in Colorado for about 3 weeks before abandoning the idea completely.
I lived in Yakima for 6 years and got my first dog from the pound.
I traveled to Yellowstone, down the California coastline,
to Maui, Kauai, and New York City.
I went on a "once in a lifetime" trip to Europe.
I moved to a country thousands of miles away from home.
I visited 12 countries in one year.
I lost my grandmother 2 months after marrying my best friend.
I lost my grandfather 2 months after moving to Croatia.
I lost 4 babies
and am starting the journey to find a way of having a family of my own.
I have learned to be more thankful,
to not take things for granted,
to look at my feet and enjoy where I'm at.
I feel blessed to have lived the life I've been given so far
and can't wait to see what the next decade brings.